​ Every Search & Rescue is fluid. The Dog ALWAYS dictates; When, Where, How, it will be Secured.
by Char Spinosa
My job is to interpret your dog's movements, track it and attempt the best course of action to secure your missing pet. While that is my main focus, I will also do my best to keep your head in the game, keep you grounded, focused, and provide hugs as needed. I understand what you are feeling and going through. It can be extremely nerve wracking for an owner during this time while their Pet is on the run. It is an "Emotional Roller Coaster" for an owner and I will do my best to keep you off that ride!! I won't tell you every movement of your pet but, I will send you pictures if I can get a shot when I see your Pet. I will also do my best to answer any and all questions you may have at any given time.
Most people are not aware that just having your pet Microchipped is not enough, keeping your pet's records up-to-date is as vital as keeping your insurance up-to-date on your house!! Make sure your address and phone number are current, also, if your pet goes missing, Flag your pet's account as "LOST/MISSING" so if it is scanned you can be made aware. Also make sure you have allowed for the company holding that information to share it should your pet go missing. Log into your account and check to make sure you have all the t's crossed and the i's dotted!
Next is to contact your local Animal Control, if at all possible, GO IN PERSON and bring a picture of your missing pet, it does help and make sure you return every 2 days, do NOT put the burden on the people at the counter to get your pet back to you, their job is to keep them safe and healthy until YOU come for them. Privacy Laws can keep them from telling you over the phone what animal is there, so go in person, physically walk through and look for your pet.
I will ask you for several current pictures of your missing baby to create a Picture for your Posters, You will receive a picture Tutorial on how to make the Posters, along with a "Supply List" and where to purchase the required items. This point is VITAL and must be completed within the first 24 hours of my involvement. POSTERS get you sightings, those sightings get me where your dog is and that helps to try to bring your dog home. The Community where a dog is lost, those are the people who will tell you where your dog is/has been seen and when. From those I require detailed reporting; Address (not just a street), Time, Condition, Direction that it headed.
The Greatest Risk to a Missing Pet is "Owner Apathy", some give up far too soon! The 2nd Greatest Risk to your missing pet is Human Beings; some mean well but, do not understand that "chasing" to a dog means; "a single step" in their direction and others see your pet as their new FREE pet! Many times I will ask people NOT to attempt to interact with a Lost Pet when canvasing an area, OR I will have you put it on Posters. Common Sense dictates they do not have a quality food source while they are on the run and no one knows how long it can take to get the Pet back. As a result, the caloric expenditure comes from their own body weight and they can drop weight quickly when they are consistently perused by people, whether on foot or in a vehicle. Water, Extreme Temperatures, & Vehicle Traffic are all a concern when your pup is missing. Humans who find your missing pet, convince themselves that you are a bad owner because your pet ran away from you, can be some of the most dangerous threat, especially to smaller, desirable breeds. What they fail to see or know is that "great dogs have great owners".
Traps cannot just be set up anywhere, there are a number of Legal Hoops that I have to jump through to place a trap. This can be frustrating for an owner but, I cannot trespass.
I do have a number of traps, catch poles, snappy snares, night vision, binoculars, LED Flood Light/Infrared Light and several Trail Cameras. All this and more can be seen on my "Equipment" page on the menu. As well I have a number of volunteers I have worked with over the years.
If you are going to bring in a Search and Rescue Person/Team, look for one in your own backyard, chances are they know the terrain, they know the area very well and also, know what to ask and what answers you should be looking for… The Exception to the rule on Bringing in someone from outside of the area... Of course, when there is no one locally, someone in your area that does Search & Rescue (Lost Pet Recovery).
For More Insights and Tips on Search & Rescue:
I do not accept EVERY Lost Pet Case. Something I want to make very clear... During the past 8 years, what I Do and Offer has literally been based on a "Volunteer Position" even though I am a Registered Business. I do not have set business hours or hourly rates (yet); I work around the clock based on your Pet's movements and the time I have available. More times than not, I don't receive anything for the work I do and I can't hold a pet hostage based on whether people can pay or not. If I take you on as a client, I look for your missing pet like it is my own and require your full cooperation.
In October 2018, I have had to begin to charge fees or I would no longer be able to exist to help Lost Pets. This is outlined on my "Fees/Payment/Rentals" page.
There are times when it becomes abundantly clear early in a discussion that an Owner has no Faith/Trust in me or my abilities, I will not waste my time or theirs. Other times when an Owner believes or expresses that their way is going to be the best way to get their baby home, because they know their pet... I in no way take this personally, it IS their Pet but, due to the fact that lost pet's behavior is very different when they are on the run, if an owner is not receptive to this and further information, I will walk away or not accept these cases. I wish them every success in bringing their baby home and sometimes their baby does make it home. Upon occasion Owners have thought more than one "Search & Rescue Tracker" or bringing in a "Scent Dog" (they have their time and use) is good! It's not, we each have our own way of working a Lost Pet Case and for an owner to be communicating with more than one for advice can result in "Owner Confusion" at the very least and doubts.
And "Pet Communicators/Psychics" are a sham, pure and simple. I have zero faith in them or their abilities and I have seen owners "give up" on their missing pet due to these people. They grieved their pet, posted that the pet had crossed over rainbow bridge, then two days later, someone posted a picture of their missing cat in their neighborhood.
In the past approx 8 years, I have worked tirelessly to bring Lost Pets Home, abiding by all laws that govern, working with different Animal Control Agencies and even Police Forces. I have made my reputation what it is through these elements and it is one of the many reasons I work independently for Owners of Missing Pets.
I value the relationship I build with every client or person that I assist in any manner, whether is it over the phone, making posters, or coming out to secure a lost pet. I will not share your personal information with any third party beyond what is necessary to each individual case.
What that may entail: if I need to contact Animal Control on your behalf, I will share your information to assist your lost/missing/stolen pet. There are rare times where I will work with another individual regarding your case. With any given situation where I feel the need to share your information, I make every attempt to advise of the situation and the reasons behind sharing information in advance.
Also know, that if I work on any case, in any capacity and I feel that others may benefit from the story, I will share the story without the owner's personal information being disclosed. Name(s) of pets are usually given, no specific locations are detailed, unless it is relative to the story from a learning aspect and does not disclose any personal information.
By accepting any assistance from me, you are agreeing to these terms, which are subject to updating.